
  • Environmental Research, Engineering and Management

    Environmental Research, Engineering and Management (EREM) / Aplinkos tyrimai, inžinerija ir vadyba is a multidisciplinary journal designed to serve as a roadmap for understanding complex issues and debates of sustainable development. EREM publishes peer-reviewed scientific papers which cover research in the fields of environmental science, engineering (pollution prevention, resource efficiency), management, energy (renewables), agricultural and biological sciences, and social sciences.

    Scopus: SCImago Journal Rank 0.315 (2023); CiteScore 2.4 (2023).

  • Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika

    ELEKTRONIKA IR ELEKTROTECHNIKA (ISSN 1392-1215) is a peer-reviewed open access bimonthly research journal of Kaunas University of Technology.

    The research journal ELEKTRONIKA IR ELEKTROTECHNIKA publishes original research papers on featuring practical developments that might have a significant impact in the field of electronics and electrical engineering, and focuses on automation, robotics & control; automotive electronics; electric vehicles; electrical engineering; electronic measurements; electronics; high frequency technologies, microwaves; micro & nano-electronics; power electronics; renewable energy; signal technologies; telecommunications engineering. It is aimed not only to researchers of certain field , but also to the wider public.

    WoS: Impact Factor 1.3 (2022); Scopus: SCImago Journal Rank 0.32 (2022)

  • Engineering Economics

    The scope of the Engineering Economics journal covers research that examines innovations-driven transformations in business, public, and financial domains, contributing to the qualitative evolution of economies. The journal seeks to explore the antecedents, processes, and outcomes of these transformations to inform managerial and policy efforts aimed at fostering sustainable economic and social development. The journal represents research from disciplines such as economics, finance, business and management, and public management, as long as creative destruction is evident through structural changes, market dynamics, institutional shifts, or innovation-driven economic adjustments. It particularly welcomes studies that analyze the role of organizational, regulatory, and strategic adaptations that reshape industries, financial markets, and public governance.

    The journal publishes research at macro, meso, and micro levels of analysis, embracing a wide range of empirical methods. However, it does not accept studies based solely on mathematical proofs of economic relationships. The Journal also does not publish papers that address issues primarily relevant to engineering sciences or related technical fields. Conceptual papers are not published unless they take the form of systematic literature reviews employing bibliometric analysis methods.

  • Information Technology and Control

    Periodical journal Information Technology and Control / Informacinės technologijos ir valdymas covers a wide field of computer science and control systems related problems. All articles should be prepared considering the requirements of the journal. Please use „Article Template“ to prepare your paper properly. Together with your article, please submit a signed Author's Guarantee Form.

  • Materials Science

    The journal Materials Science / Medžiagotyra covers fields of materials science concerning with the traditional engineering materials as well as advanced materials and technologies aiming at the implementation and industry applications. The variety of materials under consideration, contributes to the cooperation of scientists working in applied physics, chemistry, materials science and different fields of engineering.

    Impact Factor:  0.625 (2019); 5-Year Impact Factor - 0.576 (2019)
    Scopus: SCImago Jounal Rank - 0.169 (2019)

  • Mechanics

    Mechanika  (ISSN: 1392-1207, eISSN: 2029-6983) journal publishes theoretical and practice oriented papers, dealing with problems of Mechanics of Solid Bodies, Mechanics of Fluids and Gases, Dynamics of Mechanical Systems, Design and Optimization of Mechanical Systems, Mechanical Technologies.

    Impact Factor:  0.6 (2023); 5 Year Impact Factor - 0.6 (2023) according to Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate, 2023).

  • Studies about Languages

    Studies about Languages / Kalbų studijos (Print ISSN: 1648-2824; Online ISSN: 2029-7203) is a journal for all involved in the field of theoretical and empirical language studies. The journal aims at bringing together the scholars interested in language and technology, linguistic theory development, empirical research of different aspects of languages functioning within a society. The articles are accepted in English, German, French, and Lithuanian.

    Scopus: SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) - 0.146 (2023)

  • Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering

    Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering (ISSN 2029-9990 (print), ISSN 2335-2000 (online)) covers experimental and theoretical research on the aspects of sustainability in the fields of civil engineering and architecture and will pay special attention to the joint research in these areas. 

    Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering is included in Scopus, IndexCopernicus International and EBSCO CEEAS databases.

  • Public Policy and Administration

    The journal Public Policy and Administration / Viešoji politika ir administravimas (ISSN 1648-2603 (print), ISSN 2029-2872 (online)) publishes the articles analyzing public policy and administration theoretical and practical problems. The academic journal Public Policy and Administration / Viešoji politika ir administravimas aims to encourage scientific research aimed at finding new theoretical and practical solutions for the formation and implementation of public policy; analyze current trends in public administration and suggest new alternatives for decision making and implementation for public administration practice; contribute to the improvement of the research methodology in the field of public policy; ensure effective dissemination of scientific knowledge by publishing relevant up-to-date research and conference materials.

    Scopus: SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) 0,409 (2019)

  • Chemical Technology

    Closed. Published to 2017.

  • Social Sciences

    Closed. Published to 2015.